Darth Homonculus (SWSE)

I was a huge fan of Star Wars Saga Edition when it dropped, and still feel it's the best RPG that WotC has ever made. I ran three campaigns with it and played in one other. Eventually, if I can ever find my notes, I want to codify my adventure based on the Rancid album Indestructible, but for now you get an NPC from one of the campaigns that I kept a hold of and made into a drop-in antagonist.

Alias: 8EG, Egg, T4SE, Mister Cruiz
Species: EG model protocol droid
Occupation: Translator, walking-talking instruction manual on how to be a shit lord

8EG is, somehow, a droid sith lord. Not a real sith lord, as droids cannot be force sensitive. But an advanced assassin droid programmed with lightsaber combat and access to all of the personal libraries of the long dead sith Ver Ital. Under his guise of 8EG, he is a protocol droid specialized in translation, and will remark that he was modified by a former owner to act as a bodyguard but finds the work distasteful. 8EG is hardened against memory wipes, but is programmed to "play along" if wiped. As Darth Homunculus, he is a lightsaber combat instructor and a scout on the look out for a force sensitive who might be a worthy inheritor of his master's legacy. While not force sensitive, he is able to read other more subtle cues to tell if someone may be force sensitive, and has a large library of sith knowledge that allows him to use his position as a protocol droid and translator to nudge his target towards the darkside. With the aid of a force sensitive to provide the spiritual component, preferably human or near-human, Darth Homunculus can perform basic sith alchemy. Darth Honumculus is not a great fighter, able to hold his own against normal humanoids battle droids, and maybe even a jedi padowan, but against an experienced Jedi Knight he would be cut to shreds. For this reason he avoids combat with any force-user. He is equipped with a cortosis weave frame around his memory core and power supply, but that means nothing if he can't be rebuilt. His memory core isn't a normal computer either. When Ver Ital upgraded him, he replaced it with a sith holocron, which can be sensed by force sensitives. Darth Homunculus also has a lightsaber hidden in a special compartment built into his arm, and he knows how to grow synthetic red khyber crystals (but as he cannot use the force, he needs a dark side adept or sith to awaken them).

New Vengeance [Rebellion Era]: Darth Homunculus suspects that Emperor Palpatine is the reigning sith lord, and Darth Homunculus is looking for a group of reliable rebels to latch onto and help him strike a blow against this rival to the great sith lord that Darth Homunculus will train.

Old Vengeance [Any Era]: The player characters are hired by the mysterious Mister Cruiz to explore a recently discovered ruins on some backwater fringe moon. He loans the party his most robust translator droid to help translate any ancient text they find in the ruins. The ruins are tomb of a Darth Abados, a rival to Ver Ital, and Darth Homunclus wants to find its secrets and possibly desecrate the corpse of his creator's rival.

Temptation [Any Era]: This hook may be used if one of the force sensitive player characters is slowly sliding to the dark side. While performing some other mission, they encounter EG8 working as a translator for some politician or other authority figure. EG8 takes a liking to the character and engineers the death of his current master so the player characters may adopt him and allow him to have access to a force sensitive character he can corrupt.

Welcome Back, My Master [Any Era]: Darth Homunculus has found a force sensitive with great potential, and succeeded in seducing them to the dark side. Hidden code in Darth Homunculus's memory unlocks and reveals to him his true purpose; finding a body for the force wraith of Ver Ital to take over and to live again! It's a race against time to stop the sith droid from resurrecting his dark master.

Game Statistics [Star Wars: Saga Edition]
Medium 5th-Degree Droid Noble 12

BasicsInitiative: +13, Senses: Dark-vision, Perception +14
Languages: Binary, Basic, Bocce, Bothese, Dosh, High Galactic, Huttese, Ithorese, Mando'a, Military Sign, Old Sith (Read Only), Mon Calimarian, Rhodese, Shriiwook, Zabrak, Two unassigned

Reflex: 14, Fortitude: 14, Will: 16
Hit Points: 56, Damage Threshold: 14
Immune: Droid traits

Speed: 6 squares
Melee: Lightsaber +16 (2d8+7)
Base Attack Bonus: +9, Grab: +10
Combat Options: Demoralizing Defense, Melee Defense, Personal Affront, Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack

Base Stats
Abilities: Strength 13, Dexterity 12, Constitution -, Intelligence 16, Wisdom 13, Charisma 17
Talents: Connections, Educated, Demoralizing Defense, Noble Fencing Style, Personal Affront, Wealth
Feats: Noble base feats, Linguist (x2), Melee Defense, Power Attack, Skill Training (x3), Weapon Focus (lightsaber), Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber), Whirlwind Attack
Skills: Deception +15, Gather Information +14, Initiative +13, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +15, Knowledge (Social Sciences) +15, Knowledge (Sith) +15, Perception +14, Persuasion +15, Use Computer +15
Droid Systems: Walking Locomotion, Magnetic Feet, Sith Holocron Core (acts as a Heurisitc Proccessor with hardening against mind wipe), Two Hand Appendages, Dark-vision, Improved Sensor Package, Locked Access, Secondary Battery

Possessions: Lightsaber (created by Ver Ital), 1,750,000 credits (in bank accounts across the galaxy)


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