
Showing posts from August, 2020

Fuck the Tarassque

Unique monsters in AD&D1E have a listed hit point total instead of a listed hit die. I don't like this. I don't like it at all, Not that I'm opposed to static hit points totals, but fuck why do I need to go looking in places other than the monster entry to find out what the monster's matrix is?

Four More Monsters and a Pyromancer!

Poison Giant Armor Class: 15 Hit Dice: 9* Attacks: 1× weapon (3-18) or 1× boulder (3-16) To Hit: +7 Movement: 120’ (40’) Save As: Dwarf 9 Morale: 9 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 1,600 Number Appearing: 1d2 (1d6) Treasure Type: E + 5,000gp Boulder Throwing: The boulders of the poison giant can be thrown up to 300’ (100'/200/300'). Immune: Poison giants cannot be poisoned and are immune to poisonous breath attacks. Poison Breath: The giant can breath a cloud of poisonous gas up to 3/day. It has a cumulative 10% chance of using this attack each round, and must wait a round before using it again. The cloud is identical to that of a green dragon's cloud; 50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high. Creatures caught within the cloud take damage equal to poison giant's current hit points (save vs. breath is allowed for half). Poison giants are 12’ tall humanoids with bruised and pustile covered skin. They dwell in marsh caves and tunnels. They strike with their giant warty fists...


(Originally from July of 2020, republished due to some typo chasing) Over in the trove there is a Balrog stat page on the OD&D archive, and it appears to be an amalgam of various rules for Balrogs through CHAINMAIL and OD&D. Even though I'm a BX guy for my OSR fix, I tend to read a lot of OD&D stuff when perusing game content, and I've been a bit fixated on that Balrog sheet for a while. So, even though Balrogs were brought forward in D&D via the Balor, I thought I would take a crack at converting the original Balrog stats as a bit of a thought experiment. I avoided looking at the Balor stats, but I might do a comparison later. No my mental image of balrogs isn't as muscle waifus (though they can be!), this is just the only art I've done in the last decade of anything close to a balrog. Balrog Armor Class: 17 Hit Dice: 10**** Attacks: 2×sword (varies), or 1×whip (1-6, +2-12), or spell To Hit: +9 Movement: 90' (30'), 150' (50') flying...

Portable Home

PORTABLE HOME PDF Download In its base form a portable home appears to be a black circular cloth 5 feet in diameter, often folded up for easy of storage. When unfolded and lain flat onto a horizontal surface a stairway pokes out of the hole leading down into a 2,000 square foot apartment. The apartment is a three room affair, with simple but well made amenities. The walls are made from packed stones and the furniture from redwood and mahogany. The flooring is cobbled tile, and the ceiling a plank of wood. Within each room, hanging from the ceiling are glass balls enchanted with permanent light spells. The portable home has a special safety built into it. Other non-dimensional spaces ( bags of holding , faerie pocket spells, portable holes, etc.) brought into it do not explode. Instead they simply become inert for as long as they remain within the portable home . T he Sitting Room: The stairs lead into this room, it contains a cushioned wooden sofa, a low table, a desk...

Roll Initiative Every Round!

 Fuck what your rulebooks say about initiative. Roll Initiative at the start of every round. It will keep your players more engaged in combat, especially long or big fights. Rolling once then using that turn order all fight is garbage.

Another Monster Post! ;0

A trio of nasty little animals to make your day a little more adventurous! Embergama Armor Class: 13 Hit Dice: 3+1* Attacks: 1× bite (1-6) or breath To Hit: +3 Movement: 60’ (20’) Save As: Fighter 3 Morale: 7 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 75 Number Appearing: 1-6 (1-12) Treasure Type: U Breath: Usable three times per day, it is a cone of flame that is 15' long and 10' wide at the widest end. It deals damage equal to the endergama's current hit points. Cling: The embergama can climb walls, trees, etc. and drop on victims. 4’ long, carnivorous, lizards. Tough brown scales with a bright red head. It dwells on volcanic mountainsides, it screams to intimidate predators, and it breaths fire. Mist Raven Armor Class: 14 Hit Dice: 2* Attacks: 1× peck (1-4) To Hit: +1 Movement: 15' (5'), 450’ (150’) flying Save As: Fighter 1 Morale: 6 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 25 Number Appearing: 1 (1-3) Treasure Type: None Misty Breath: Mist ravens can exhale a 20...

Arms and Armor Maufacturers [REDSHIFT Lore]

Having things like company names be consistent in the equipment lists is important to me, so I codified the companies that create the gear that is most commonly available in Southwest Fringe campaigns. Aegyl Armories Base of Operations:  Imperial Core Worlds; Earth-like Colony 3;7 (Angelus) Specializations:  Ammunition, Infantry-scale arms and armor, civilian personal defense weapons, hunting gear Black Wolf Industries Base of Operations: Imperial Core Worlds; Proxima II Specializations: Ammunition, Infantry-scale arms and armor, small-scale military vehicles (transports, atmospheric craft), civilian spacecraft Notes: Predates the Empire, official statement is they were founded during the Great Earth Exodus. Dynatek Milspek Base of Operations: Laukonen borderspace; Earth-like Colony 7;18 (Delphi) Specializations: Large-scale military vehicles (capital ships, carriers), infantry-scale small arms Ivaldi Tactical Solutions Base of Operations: Southwestern Fringe; Fennoscand...