Four More Monsters and a Pyromancer!

Poison Giant
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 9*
Attacks: 1× weapon (3-18) or 1× boulder (3-16)
To Hit: +7
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Save As: Dwarf 9
Morale: 9
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,600
Number Appearing: 1d2 (1d6)
Treasure Type: E + 5,000gp
  • Boulder Throwing: The boulders of the poison giant can be thrown up to 300’ (100'/200/300').
  • Immune: Poison giants cannot be poisoned and are immune to poisonous breath attacks.
  • Poison Breath: The giant can breath a cloud of poisonous gas up to 3/day. It has a cumulative 10% chance of using this attack each round, and must wait a round before using it again. The cloud is identical to that of a green dragon's cloud; 50’ long, 40’ wide, 20’ high. Creatures caught within the cloud take damage equal to poison giant's current hit points (save vs. breath is allowed for half).
Poison giants are 12’ tall humanoids with bruised and pustile covered skin. They dwell in marsh caves and tunnels. They strike with their giant warty fists.

Deathmask Jester
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 8+2***
Attacks: 3× weapons (1-6/1-6/1-6) or pie
To Hit: +7
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Save As: Cleric 8
Morale: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 2,300
Number Appearing: 1-6 (3-12)
Treasure Type: None
  • Juggle: The attack of a deathmask jester has a range of 30'/60'/180'.
  • Pie To The Face: The deathmask jester has a 10% chance of pulling a pie out from behind it's back and throwing it as an attack with a range of 15'/30'/90'. On a hit, the pie blinds the target until it spends a round scraping the pie filling from their eyes.
  • Pratfall: The jester can fall flat to the ground in response to being hit with an attack to reduce the damage dealt by half.
Deathmask Jesters are demons with black and white painted faces and who dance and play and commit unspeakable acts of wanton mayhem. They are fond of pratfalls, tumbling, and juggling. Each jester can conjure juggling knives and axes to throw, as well as cream or meat pies.

Thresher Automaton
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 7*
Attacks: 6× blades (1-6/1-6/1-6/1-6/1-6/1-6)
To Hit: +7
Movement: 60’ (20’)
Save As: Fighter 7
Morale: 12
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 850
Number Appearing: 1
Treasure Type: None
  • Immunity: The automaton is unharmed by gas; it is unaffected by charm, hold, and sleep spells.
  • Construction: Animating a threshing device is a long arduous task that costs at least 100 GP per hit point of the thresher.
A wheat threshing automaton given a hateful false life with foul magics.

Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 4*
Attacks: 1× weapon (1-6)
To Hit: +3
Movement: 30’ (10’), flying 300' (100')
Save As: Elf 4
Morale: 7
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 125
Number Appearing: 1-6 (3-12)
Treasure Type: S
  • Quick: Quicklings are never surprised and always act first in combat.
Roughly the size of a small child, these faerie folks are the epitome of speed. They are kept aloft by delicate gossamer wings.

Armor Class: 12 (ring)
Hit Points: 24
Attacks: ×dagger (1d4+1) or spell
To Hit: +2
Movement: 120' (40')
Save As: D11 W12 P11 B14 S12
Alignment: Neutral
STR 9, INT 16, WIS 12, DEX 15, CON 8, CHA 7
Languages: Common, Chaotic, Dragon, Giant
Spells Prepared
  1. Magic Missile, Magic Missile, Shield
  2. Flaming Sphere, Invisibility, Web
  3. Fireball, Fireball, Fly
  4. Wall of Fire, Wall of Fire
  5. Conjure Elemental
Items: Dagger +1, Ring of Protection, Spellbook (contains prepared spells + detect magic and read magic).


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