(Originally from July of 2020, republished due to some typo chasing)
Over in the trove there is a Balrog stat page on the OD&D archive, and it appears to be an amalgam of various rules for Balrogs through CHAINMAIL and OD&D. Even though I'm a BX guy for my OSR fix, I tend to read a lot of OD&D stuff when perusing game content, and I've been a bit fixated on that Balrog sheet for a while. So, even though Balrogs were brought forward in D&D via the Balor, I thought I would take a crack at converting the original Balrog stats as a bit of a thought experiment. I avoided looking at the Balor stats, but I might do a comparison later.
No my mental image of balrogs isn't as muscle waifus (though they can be!), this is just the only art I've done in the last decade of anything close to a balrog.
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 10****
Attacks: 2×sword (varies), or 1×whip (1-6, +2-12), or spell
To Hit: +9
Movement: 90' (30'), 150' (50') flying
Save As: Fighter 10
Morale: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 3,700
Number Appearing: 1-6 (1-12)
Treasure Type: F + its magic sword
- Flames: A hit with the balrog's whip entangles a target and pulls them into the immolating flames that dance about the balrog's body. After damage is dealt from the whip, the target saves vs. paralysis or is entangled in the lash, and is pulled into the balrog's flames for 2-12 more damage.
- Magic Resistance: Balrogs have a base 90% chance that spells cast against it failing outright. The chance of failure is reduced by 5% for each level of experience the spell-caster has attained. Thus a 1st-level magic-user has an 85% chance of their spell failing to affect a balrog, but a 10th-level magic-user has only a 40% chance.
- Spells: Balrogs cast spells as a 10th-level magic-user.
- Sword: Randomly determine a magic sword for the balrog to be using. It attacks twice with the sword each round.
- Larger Balrogs: These stats are provided for man-sized balrogs. Ogre-sized and giant-sized balrogs exist. Each size larger has +2 hit dice, and deals a greater die size of damage with their swords, and an additional die of damage with their whips.
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