So this happened in my discord (about FFIV)

I'm the weeb named スティーブマン

Dragon Princess
I have just been informed that final fantasy 4 is about an alien invasion plot can you pls explain this dens

Whoo nelly. Okay.
First off yes, it is completely true.
Gimme a moment to type this out.

oh deer

Dragon Princess

The world of FFIV is one that feels like a normal medieval fantasy world, with each "city" being the abstract of a continental culture. However, there is this giant magitek tower that just exists poking out of a crater in not!Japan; The Tower of Bab-il.

Also, the solar system that FFIV takes place in is a mirror to our own, with the world being called The Blue Planet. There is also the Red Planet and the Giant; obviously Mars and Jupiter. These are all mentioned in the city of Agart which has a massive telescope in it that you can observe the moon.

At one point it is explained that back before the coming of magic, the world had only one moon.

The goal of the game is to stop a Dark Knight named Golbeze from getting to one of the moons where he will supposedly unlock terrible power. When you get to the moon you meed an old sage named FuSoYa.

FuSoYa explains that ages ago there was a world between the red planet and the giant, and his people evolved on it. However, a comet struck their world and shattered it. The salvaged what they could of it to create a ship (the size of a moon) and flew it into orbit of the blue planet.

The built the tower to live in, but saw that humans were too primitive to live with. Most of the leaders were content with waiting, but one a guy named ZeMus was like "nah, lets just kill all the humans and take the world for ourselves." So they forced all but two of the race into stasis slumber.

KaLuYa and FuSoYa, brothers. FuSoYa lived on the moon and watched from afar, and KaLuYa lived on the earth and taught technology and magic to the people. The intent was to wait until humanity had progressed far enough so that humans and what are now called lunarians could coexist.

At some point in the last 30 years before the start of the game, ZeMus woke up and was able to use his psychic powers to mind control Golbeze. There are spoiler reasons as to why he was able to do that, but it's not so important here.

So yes, in that regard there is an alien invasion. But there's more.

Ultimate Muscle
final fantasy is fuckin wild

well, damn

After the game ends, FuSoYa and Golbeze fly the moon into a far orbit. But in the sequel a new moon shows up and monsters start coming from it. Which turns out to be the space ship of the last living member of the species who created the elemental crystals that exist on all worlds with sapient life.

So in the sequel there is another alien invasion

Dragon Princess
Holy shit I love this

The story is the reason why it's my favorite videogame of all time. Not the graphics (which are just NES graphics with better colors) or the menu-based combat.


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