
Showing posts from August, 2021

5th Session

The players cleared out five more rooms of the dungeon and met up with the modron again. They found out his name is Yranib and that he's a maintenance drone that is not long since cut off from the hive mnd. I'm roleplaying him as borg-like in personality, and there was a great moment when the party barged into the kitchen (an empty room besides cooking doodads that wouldn't add up to a meaningful amount of treasures) and found him standing at a counter eating spaghetti like the Tamamo meme. Jus imagine that but as a monodrone. Lead to some good laughs as the thief was just confused as to why a robot ball would need to eat at all. The cleric is still in love with the little guy. They party did find the master key inside the a secret component to the throne so they were able to get into the sleeping quarters without having to break down the doors, and we left off with them finding starspawn in the court mage's laboratory.

4th Session

It was a short session tonight. Since the party isn't strong (or large) enough to go hexcrawling yet I had the adventure come to them. The old dwarven lady who acts as the wise woman for the town offered to hire them to reclaim the old copper mine that used to be the whole reason the town exists, while at the same time the head of the town council offered a lot of money for them to go into the town's abandoned keep and see what the hell is up with it. The last group that went in there came back blinded and afraid of snakes. The chose the keep because it was closer. They cleared 5 rooms and while exploring the place they found some homebrew monsters; these pink mushrooms that shoot confusing spores. When they entered the keep's hospital they met a rogue modron (stats as a dwarf) who has been maintaining the place. He's a former monodrone only recently been cut off from the hive mind so he's still very robotic in his speech. He was a maintenance drone and is now maint...

Elves are weird.

 Can't sleep. Thought of some setting lore.... For example, male high elves are not allowed to just say they wish to begin courting someone. He must show his interest in formally established "subtleties", typically via gifts of flower wreaths, wood carvings, and similar hand-crafted pieces of art. If the target is interested he or she seeks out the male's parent of their own same sex and requests a duel to first blood. If the duel is won by the target of the male's affections, the courtship is approved. Otherwise the parents of the male may pass judgment as they so choose. If a girl wishes to begin courting a male, she may simply ask him where her subtleties are. For a girl to begin courting a girl, they simply start calling each other their Er-mellon (lit. One Friend) in a manner akin to how western entertainment news refers to female/female relationships as gal pals. While generally seen as less weird than high elves, wood elves are technically no better. Giv...

Shoring Up Your Weaknesses

While drafted for my BX/OSE game, this houserule could work for any classic D&D-based system. SHORING UP YOUR WEAKNESSES Adventurers with an excessive amount of money and time on their hands may expend both to bolster their their abilities; in a literal sense. During a period of extended 'down time' between adventures the adventurer may spend a large amount of treasure earned to increase an ability score by one point. The exact amount is 1,000 GP and one week for each point the character already has in the ability to be increased, and the ability selected cannot be raised above 14 in this manner. No more than one ability score may be increased in this manner per level gained.

3rd Session

I have a bit of a headache, so short post this time. After stocking up on phials of holy water and other supplies, and lucking into a magic wand at Vinnie's Used Goods (there is a 5% chance each week he has a used magic item) the party went back to the blasted out shrine. The never found the story of the shrine but pieced together a lot of the ideas to get a general idea. They seemed dead set on thinking the melted metal was related to the concussive blasts, never once thinking they were two different attacks working in concert. They did just luck upon the idea that the monks were just automatically turned undead with a dead middleman tho. I was happy for that. The biggest fight, which they saved for last, was a bunch of undead in the sermon room and they used some really smart tactics to put a river between them and the undead and plinked at them with ranged attacks. Domania the cleric and Matthew the thief both attained level 2 tonight. I expect Crispin the mage to get it next ti...

Lady Malcah

Some more writing set in my DungeonPunk setting.