3rd Session

I have a bit of a headache, so short post this time.

After stocking up on phials of holy water and other supplies, and lucking into a magic wand at Vinnie's Used Goods (there is a 5% chance each week he has a used magic item) the party went back to the blasted out shrine.

The never found the story of the shrine but pieced together a lot of the ideas to get a general idea. They seemed dead set on thinking the melted metal was related to the concussive blasts, never once thinking they were two different attacks working in concert. They did just luck upon the idea that the monks were just automatically turned undead with a dead middleman tho. I was happy for that.

The biggest fight, which they saved for last, was a bunch of undead in the sermon room and they used some really smart tactics to put a river between them and the undead and plinked at them with ranged attacks.

Domania the cleric and Matthew the thief both attained level 2 tonight. I expect Crispin the mage to get it next time. Alcarcallo the elf... I don't know when.


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