4th Session
It was a short session tonight. Since the party isn't strong (or large) enough to go hexcrawling yet I had the adventure come to them. The old dwarven lady who acts as the wise woman for the town offered to hire them to reclaim the old copper mine that used to be the whole reason the town exists, while at the same time the head of the town council offered a lot of money for them to go into the town's abandoned keep and see what the hell is up with it.
The last group that went in there came back blinded and afraid of snakes. The chose the keep because it was closer. They cleared 5 rooms and while exploring the place they found some homebrew monsters; these pink mushrooms that shoot confusing spores. When they entered the keep's hospital they met a rogue modron (stats as a dwarf) who has been maintaining the place. He's a former monodrone only recently been cut off from the hive mind so he's still very robotic in his speech. He was a maintenance drone and is now maintaining the old keep, keeping it clean and in good shape. However, he avoids the monsters. He even warned the party against the prisoners (zombies) in the dungeon. Then he used is ring of pass-wall to pass through the wall and carry on his duties.
I love his name but I can't give it yet because at least one of my players reads this blog. The cleric fell in love with the little guy and wants to recruit him as a retainer.
The zombie fight was simple enough. Due to the cleric and elf having good armor the zombies didn't score a single hit.
Also the dice were really rude to the thief today. He was missing against immobile fungus monsters with an ac of 5 (base 10 ascending).
We had a lot of fun, and I look forward to next time.
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