Welcome to the home stevemangames, where steveman posts game stuff he makes. Largely just musings about whatever game projects I have, my own Open10 ruleset/Dungeonpunk game, and occsaional OSR stuff.
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If you're the problem? In the last decade, every single game I run ends up collapsing due to GM burnout.
I don't worry about it personally - though I think that's a common way for campaigns to end. The key is to figure out how long it takes before you lose interest in your own milieu and aim to run a week less than that. Or find a way to transition to a different part of the setting - have the PCs retire characters, maybe - to somewhere else that gets the juices flowing again. Keep it fresh, my man! :-)
It's been quite some time since I've played BX with anyone but randies off of /tg/ or roll20. None of the players in my usual group have experience with BX and a few of them have bad impressions of the old school D&D in general. One even has an irrational hatred of descending AC. So this is gonna be a hard sell, but since we're using OSE for reh rules references and roll20 it should be easier. I'm super-glad that I get to introduce my usual group to classic D&D. Here's hoping I do a good job introducing them. Wish me luck!
It had been a month since the last session because one of my players got into a fight with a surgeon and won, but was down for the count for weeks and with such a small tightly knit group we decided to wait for her to get back to play. On tonight's session the followed through with their ambush on the goblins and kobolds as they tried to use the cover of night to flee, then afterwards built some rapport with the townsfolks, meeting some NPCs. The ambush was really good, Crispin the magic-user used his sleep spell to take out most of the hobgoblin's personal guard. The elf, thief and cleric used missile weapons to pick off the goblins carrying the chest, then the hobgoblin rushed the cleric who whacked him right good in the had knocking him from full to 1 hp in a single hit. I had him check morale right away and he decided to run for it cursing in goblin "fuck this, its not worth it". The treasure was nice. All of the coin and gems they'd stolen over the last cou...
The radio silence lately is because I'm not running a game, prepping a game, or (sadly) in a game as a player right now. I've had a few false starts trying to join games, mostly OSR or (natch) 5E, but all of them have either fizzled after a session or two or just never got out of the DM going "we'll be playing soon!" anyway, I have been doing a thing tho https://dungeonpunk.fandom.com/wiki/DungeonPunk_Wiki My homebrew system has its own wiki now For someone who loves classic D&D, the system I made is not classic D&D. It's a strange middle ground and I love it. Please take a look.
I don't worry about it personally - though I think that's a common way for campaigns to end. The key is to figure out how long it takes before you lose interest in your own milieu and aim to run a week less than that. Or find a way to transition to a different part of the setting - have the PCs retire characters, maybe - to somewhere else that gets the juices flowing again.
ReplyDeleteKeep it fresh, my man!